Please keep an eye on the News page for training updates and changes
Training sessions are led by BTF qualified coaches: Andrew Ruddy, Chris Stephens, John Silvester, Ian Lucas, Vaughan Robinson, Mark Wanless, Sarah Corcoran and Richard Whitewood with support from a
number of assistant coaches. We also depend on the help of other parents to help us look after groups of runners and swimmers so please let us know if you are able to help.
Sunday run and swim training
We meet for run/swim training at Haute Valle School (down by the swimming pool entrance) at 10:15am on a Sunday morning ready to run/swim at 10:30am.
Group 1 will swim first followed by a run from 11:30 to 12:30. Group 2 will run first and then swim from 11:30 to 12:30. Only swimmers signed up for the swim sessions can join swim training (please
email for information). All tristars members can join in with run sessions - as a guide group 1 is
mainly made up of younger members and group 2 is mainly older members. The actual groups are controlled by the coaches based on ability and athlete numbers.
Please bring a drink and clothing suitable for the weather conditions and a snack if doing both run and swim sessions.
Midweek run training
We now have an additional run focussed training session which is available for Tristars 2, Tristars 3 and Youth athletes (i.e. those aged at least 11 by 31st December 2018). The
sessions take place at FB Fields during the autumn, winter, spring and into the early summer. (Note: duathlon series age groups are
slightly different as athletes "move up" before the year end)
These sessions are led by qualified athletics coach: Jo Gorrod, soon to be qualified coach: Demri Mitchell and the Jersey Triathlon Academy coach: Nick Saunders and will focus on track based interval
training and run drills.
In order to cover the facility hire costs there is a charge of £2 each time an athlete attends. We hope that in time as this new session grows this cost will be reduced (the charge is not
designed to generate surplus for the club).
Athletes must be members of Aztec Jersey Tristars to take part in these sessions - non members looking to have a try should normally attend our main Sunday training for a free trial period.
Sunday swim sessions - further information
Sundays at Haute Vallee pool, sessions are taken by Tigers swimming club coach Irene Whitewood (under the guidance of head coach Nathan Jegou) with support from Jersey Tigers coach Andy Godden.
Training sessions are based around front crawl and long distance open water swim technique and have been devised by Nathan specifically for triathlon training. This session is expected to be in
addition to ongoing swim training undertaken with your normal swimming club (i.e. this should not be the only swim training session in a normal week).
Note that swim dates and times can vary because of swimming competitions etc, details will be posted on the News section of the website for any variation in day, time or venue. Late changes will be
notified using the text messaging service, please speak to Alex Ruddy if you would like to have your mobile number added to this service.
Swim sessions are currently open for new joiners (limited spaces).
Thursday open water swimming (back in June 2018 - TBC)
During the summer months we meet for open water swim training followed by a run. This takes place at St Catherines when it is on. Children will need to have a wetsuit, goggles and swim cap and
should be able to swim confidently on their own without floats or arm-bands. We start gently and for the younger ones this just means getting used to getting in and getting their faces into the cold
water to start with.
Athletes should be changed and ready to enter the water by 6:00pm. Following the swim we will do a short run session to get warmed up again.
Wednesday Cycling 6:00pm to 7:30pm (restarts May 2018)
Although not a Jersey Tristars session most of the junior athletes in the club train with the Jersey Cycling Association Youth Academy (JCAYA) which runs structured cycle training at Les Quennevais
cycling track during the summer. For more information visit