2016/2017 Aztec Duathlon Series results

Duathlon 1 Results
Adobe Acrobat document [355.6 KB]
Duathlon 2 Results
Cycle cancelled due to fog - run only!
Adobe Acrobat document [350.3 KB]
Duathlon 3 Results
Cycle cancelled due to frost - run only (again)!
Adobe Acrobat document [350.9 KB]
Duathlon 4 Results
Finally a duathlon (though very very cold conditions)
20170212 v2.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [353.8 KB]
Duathlon 5 (Durrell) Results
Durrell Duathlon 2017
20170312 (provisional).pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [354.3 KB]

2017 Aztec Triathlon Series results

Aquathlon results
Haute Vallee Aquathlon
Adobe Acrobat document [356.6 KB]
Les Quennevais Triathlon Results
5 May 2017
20170506 Triathlon 1 (1).pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [350.9 KB]

Welcome to the website for Jersey Tristars which is the place for Junior triathlon in Jersey. Here you will find the latest news, information on the Junior section and race results. 

Use the navigation menu on the top left to find your way around.


New members are always welcome, children as young as 7 who can swim and ride a bike are welcome to join us for training and racing.  For more information why not try out one of our sessions (see the Training page).

If you find any problems with the site please report these to webmaster@juniorjerseytri.com.

Contact us:

If you have any queries or wish to contact us please email us at




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Last updated 15.04.2018